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Version: 1.x


 Maven Central Sonatype Nexus  License: MIT


Binance4j-spot is a Java connector for the SPOT endpoints of the Binance REST API.




Send an order


Sends a trade order for execution.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

NewOrder request = new NewOrder("BNBBTC", OrderType.MARKET, OrderSide.BUY, new BigDecimal("100"));

NewOrderResponse response = client.newOrder(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Here we executed a MARKET order to buy 100 BNB with BTC

NewOrder static methods

The NewOrder class offers static methods to generate NewOrder instances.

NewOrder newOrder = NewOrder.buyMarket("BNBBTC", new BigDecimal(100));

Test new order


Tests the trade order without executing it. Works like the newOrder method.

The request returns nothing but will throw an ApiException if it fails.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

NewOrder request = new NewOrder("BNBBTC", OrderType.MARKET, OrderSide.BUY, new BigDecimal("100"));

}catch(ApiException e){

Cancel order


Cancels an active order.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

CancelOrderRequest request = new CancelOrderRequest("BNBBTC", 56935218L);

CancelOrderResponse response = client.cancelOrder(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Here we canceled the order on BNB/BTC with the 56935218L id

Cancel all open orders


Cancels all active orders on a symbol. This includes OCO orders.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

CancelOpenOrdersRequest request = new CancelOpenOrdersRequest("BNBBTC");

List<CancelOrderResponse> response = client.cancelOpenOrders(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Here we canceled all open orders on BNB/BTC

Get order status


Check an order's status.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

OrderStatusRequest request = new OrderStatusRequest("BNBBTC", 65293729L);

OrderInfo response = client.getOrderStatus(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

he we got the status of order on BNB/BTC with id 65293729

Get open orders


Get all open orders on a symbol. Careful when accessing this with no symbol.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

List<OrderInfo> response = client.getOpenOrders().execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Get all orders


Get all orders on a symbol.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

AllOrdersRequest request = new AllOrdersRequest("BNBBTC");

List<OrderInfo> response = client.getAllOrders(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Send an OCO order


An OCO order is made of two LIMIT orders. The first to execute cancels the other.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

OCOOrder request = new OCOOrder("BTCBUSD", OrderSide.BUY, new BigDecimal(1), new BigDecimal(50000), new BigDecimal(51000));

OCOResponse response = client.newOCO(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Here we send an order to buy 1 BTC for 50000 BUSD or 51000 BUSD.

Cancel an OCO/order list

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

CancelOCORequest request = new CancelOCORequest("BNBBTC");

List<OCOResponse> response = client.cancelOCO(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Canceling an individual leg will cancel the entire OCO.

If both orderListId and listClientOrderID are provided, orderId takes precedence.

Retrieve an OCO order

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

OCOInfoRequest request = new OCOInfoRequest("C3wyj4WVEktd7u9aVBRXcN");

OCOInfo response = client.queryOCO(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Retrieve all OCO orders

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

List<OCOInfo> response = client.getAllOCO().execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Retrieve open OCO orders

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

List<OCOInfo> response = client.getOpenOCO().execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Get SPOT account infos

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

Account response = client.getAccount().execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Get your trades for a symbol

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

MyTradesRequest request = new MyTradesRequest("BNBBTC");

List<Trade> response = client.getMyTrades(request).execute();
}catch(ApiException e){

Get order count


Displays the user's current order count usage for all intervals. May be useful when rate limiting.

SpotClient client = new SpotClient(key, secret);

List<OrderCount> response = client.getOrderCount().execute();
}catch(ApiException e){